Employee Reviews
Partnering for Performance
Employee Reviews - Partnering for Performance is an app built by MPowerUp that can be used to:
1. To record and track progress on your work and personal development objectives from your 1:1 meetings with your line manager​​
2. To create and submit your formal review record to your line manager and HR
3. If you are a line manager, to review and track the progress of your team member’s objectives and review submissions
Note: As a manager you will only see an employee's review if you are set as the manager on the review record.
This app can be used on desktop, laptops, tablets and other mobile devices.
Enter the manager and a period for the review.
Celebrate key achievements and contributions to the business since the last review.
Objectives can be business or personal. Training can be requested for each objective. Employees and managers are encouraged to follow the SMART methodology (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) when filling out an objective. Each objective can optionally follow the GROW methodology (Goal, Reality, Options, Will/Way Forward) also.
Define short, medium and long term career goals and devise a strategy to achieve them.
Provide line manager feedback.
Improve: What can we put in place to improve the way we work?
Continue: What is working well and what should we continue?
Reflect on the period since the last review.
Provide insights on all reviews and objectives
​Click here to view the terms and conditions for this product
Click here to view the privacy policy for this product
For support related to this product email support@mpowerup.cloud